Wednesday, September 1, 2010

"Are you ok? Are you sure?"

The questions we got asked every three seconds in Tanzania! Are you ok? Five minutes later- are you ok?

East Africa was interesting! In Tanzania, we spent most of our time in a town called Bagamoyo. We couldn't update posts because of the internet situation, but soon we'll post pictures and videos. Bagamoyo is an artsy beach town. Most people there do not work and instead spend their time hanging out, painting, making bracelets, playing drums, singing, being high. The town itself has mostly dirt roads and no street lamps.

The highlight of our time there was def spending time at a center called Mtoto Mchorajil Center.  If you want to send them art supplies, check out their mailing address here on their blog:  There, we made friends with young men who live in town and wanted to practice their English skills. We spent time exchanging information about our cultures. They thought it was hilarious that we drive everywhere at home instead of walking, they told us they didn't know what a subway was, and they were shocked that the man in a relationship doesn't have to pay for our weddings. We also were able to learn a lot about them and their culture. It was so interesting to hear what they had learned about America- mostly through rap songs and they'd refer to those songs and ask questions about 'black america' and could not believe that we have black friends at home who we live peacefully with.I asked them to clarify that and one of them said "when white and black people see each other in the United States, don't they shoot at each other?"  One time they asked "What's a chick?" I asked where they heard that, and they said "You know that Ludacris song, my chick bad my chick hood."

Despite the boys not knowing the movie The Lion King, I'm guessing that "Simba" means lion because they always said that to us about our hair! Another cool experience was watching them cook at the center. We got to eat with them and had to use our hands which we were not good at.

When we left, they all gave us bracelets that they made for us and thanked us for helping them with their English. We are so lucky that we met them all! Without them, we would not have really learned what it was like to grow up and live in Bagamoyo. They were special people and we hope that they can achieve great things through their artwork!

Videos coming soon!

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